
8/4 RL Bubinga Rough QTR Sawn .

Part #HL1700841T


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Product Description

Heartwood ranges from a pinkish red to a darker reddish brown with darker purple or black streaks. Sapwood is a pale straw color and is clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Bubinga is very frequently seen with a variety of figure, including: pommele, flamed, waterfall, quilted, mottled, etc. Grain is straight to interlocked. Has a uniform fine to medium texture and moderate natural luster. Easy to work overall, though depending upon the species Bubinga can have silica present, which can prematurely dull cutting edges. Also, on pieces with figured or interlocking grain, tearout can occur during planing or other machining operations. Gluing can occasionally be problematic due to Bubinga’s high density and natural oils. Turns and finishes well.
SurfacingRGH - Rough
Wood SpeciesBubinga

8/4 RL Bubinga Rough QTR Sawn .

Part #HL1700841T


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