
4/4 RW RL Paint Gr Wormy African Mahogany RGH

Part #HLAM04PJ100154


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Product Description

Heartwood color is variable, ranging from a very pale pink to a deeper reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of medium to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Quartersawn surfaces can also exhibit a ribbon-stripe appearance. Grain is straight to interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster with a light-refracting optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy Easy to work, glue, and finish. Tearout can sometimes be a problem if the grain is interlocked.
GradePaint Gr
Length- RL -
MIlled Thickness- Rough -
SurfacingRGH - Rough
Width- RW -
Wood SpeciesAfrican Mahogany

4/4 RW RL Paint Gr Wormy African Mahogany RGH

Part #HLAM04PJ100154


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