
Red/White Oak Plywood

3/4" 4 x 8+ A-1 QTR-SL-Seq White Oak VC 48.5 x 96.5 Quartered Slip Match Sequence Match & Number VC Purebond CFP TSCA Title VI Compliant

Columbia Forest Products Logo

Part #PWWO34IA0003965


Product Description

Heartwood is a light to medium brown, commonly with an olive cast. Nearly white to light brown sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Quartersawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns. Conversely, Red Oak tends to be slightly redder, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak. Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture.
BrandColumbia Forest Products
CoreVC Purebond (CFP)
CutQuartered/Book Match Seq&#
Face GradeA
Panel BondingTSCA Title VI Compliant
Panel Size48.5 x 96.5
SpeciesWhite Oak

3/4" 4 x 8+ A-1 QTR-SL-Seq White Oak VC 48.5 x 96.5 Quartered Slip Match Sequence Match & Number VC Purebond CFP TSCA Title VI Compliant

Columbia Forest Products Logo

Part #PWWO34IA0003965


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